Do you need a car insurance? Would you like to feel sure every time getting in the car? Have you got your legal rights protected in Ukraine?
When it comes to auto insurance, there is an abundance of choices and you are free to get what you want. Although, arriving to Ukraine on permanent or temporary basis you are not well aware about pros and cons of various insurance companies. This fact is certainly used by wise marketers and salespeople. Hence, the simplest choice seems to be extremely difficult.
Is there a chance that your car insurance will not cover all expenses or you will end up guilty in an accident? Perhaps, your car was stolen or any other damage occurred. Unfortunately, such stories happen quite often. Only right legal advice given just in time can give you privilege rather than loss and damage.
Our lawyers speak English and we will get what you want.
Car insurance for foreign citizens in Ukraine? You got it.
Are you provided with a full range of auto services? We have a plenty of choices for you.
Have you broken law? Do you have a traffic ticket? Speeding fine? Traffic regulations problems?
Police claims. It is quickly resolved if you have an advocate.
Do you need a translator in the court with professional legal supervision of your case?
There is no time to hesitate. Contact us.